Monday, January 31, 2011

I Made It!

I have some great, creative and supportive friends. Lately we have been getting together about once a week to work on our sewing, crocheting, knitting and crafting. This has been such a life saver for me. Not only do I get out of the house, I get to have girl time and actually accomplish some of the projects I want to. It's fantastic and I love it.

Last night I decided to try something different (I usually sew or scrapbook). I had run across this beautiful blog, Craft Snob. Sara has so many cute ways to make flowers and I had a ton of felt. Everything looked very doable so I packed up my felt, hot glue gun, my trusty scissors and headed over to my sweet friend's house and got to it.

Here's what I made:

The Pomela

The Olivia

The Lydia

There are more fun flower tutorials on her site that I can't wait to try. Here's a link to Sara's flower tutorials. Go check them out.

These were so easy - you should definitely give them a try.